March 18, 2022, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., via Zoom
Join us for an engaging and timely discussion in which Katy Goshtasbi, Attorney and Founder of Puris Consulting, interviews Marie Mendoza, VP and General Counsel of Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc., with questions aimed at identifying and solving for the battle between role versus identity. Audience questions will be taken at the end. Topic questions include:
What way of being works best for us as humans and in-house lawyers;
How to best identify biases and address them, regardless of the work setting and in a way that leaves you with a stellar brand; and
How to support others in mitigating these biases for the minority lawyer population.
* 1.0 Recognition and Elimination of Bias CLE Credits Pending in CA
* Private video conference link will be provided upon registration
REGISTER: By email to Diana Cohen, In-House Committee Chair, at